
Neste episódio, Marcelo Lopez conversou com o investidor de cannabis Aaron Edelheit. Aaron tem feito uma extensa pesquisa no setor de cannabis e tem talento para oportunidades, como a compra de propriedades após o GFC. Aaron mencionou as semelhanças entre o investimento em cannabis agora e o mercado imobiliário…

Neste episódio, Marcelo Lopez teve uma conversa muito interessante com Jesse Redmond, Head de Cannabis da Water Tower Research. Jesse discutiu a situação atual do mercado de cannabis nos EUA, os possíveis gatilhos e as perspectivas de investimento. Redmond também explicou o papel que os estados desempenham neste universo,…

Neste episódio, Marcelo Lopez teve uma conversa muito interessante com Jim Grant, fundador e editor do Grant’s Interest Rate Observer. Jim falou sobre os muitos riscos que estão presentes nos mercados hoje, de private equity a títulos de alto rendimento. Além disso, Jim deu sua opinião sobre taxas de…

No episódio de hoje, Marcelo López conversou com Mark Nelson, diretor executivo do Radiant Energy Fund, uma organização sem fins lucrativos focada no mercado de energia. Mark é um engenheiro nuclear que começou sua carreira trabalhando com o famoso Michael Shellenberger, autor do livro “Apocalypse Never” e grande defensor…

No episódio de hoje, Marcelo López conversou com Brandon Munro, CEO da Bannerman Resources, empresa listada na bolsa australiana de valores, a ASX, focada na exploração e desenvolvimento de minas de urânio na Namíbia. Brandon, um assíduo participante dos podcasts da L2 Capital, voltou para discutir temas importantes, como…

No episódio de hoje, segunda parte de uma conversa que foi dividida em duas, Marcelo López conversou com Fernando Ulrich, sócio da Liberta Investimentos, e com Otávio Costa, mais conhecido como Tavi, portfolio manager da Crescat Capital. Marcelo começa falando do atual estado dos mercados e de uma possível…

No episódio de hoje, primeira parte de uma conversa que foi dividida em duas, Marcelo López conversou com Fernando Ulrich, sócio da Liberta Investimentos, e com Otávio Costa, mais conhecido como Tavi, portfolio manager da Crescat Capital. Tavi começa discutindo sobre os 3 itens que ele e a Crescat…

No episódio de hoje, Marcelo López conversou com Brandon Munro CEO da Bannerman Resources, empresa listada na bolsa australiana de valores, a ASX, focada na exploração e desenvolvimento de minas de urânio na Namíbia. Brandon, que já participou dos Podcasts #05, #14 e #18 da L2 Capital, voltou para…

No episódio de hoje, Marcelo López conversou com Rodrigo Constantino, chairman do Instituto Liberal, autor de vários livros famosos e comentarista no programa 3 em 1 na Jovem Pan.  Rodrigo começa falando sobre os efeitos econômicos do isolamento e distanciamento social causados pela pandemia do coronavírus no mundo. Em…

No episódio de hoje, Marcelo López conversou com Adam, sócio da Goehring & Rozencwajg, empresa especializada em investimentos em equity ligados a recursos naturais, como minerários, energéticos e agrícolas. Adam explica o trabalho desenvolvido pela empresa para modelar a produção de óleo de xisto nos Estados Unidos e as…

In today’s episode, Marcelo López spoke to Shawn Hackett, president of Hackett Financial Advisors, a company that specializes in providing advice for farmers and hedgers about soft commodities, based on analysis and forecasts of climate cycles. Hackett Financial Advisors helps traders and producers make decisions in agricultural commodities in…

In today’s episode, Marcelo López spoke to Paul Ma, director of CGN Mining, a company that is part of the China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN), the world’s third largest nuclear power corporation, and a member of the board of directors of Fission Uranium. Paul has more than 10…

In today’s episode, Marcelo López spoke with Anas Alhajji, a partner at Energy Outlook Advisors, as well as an internationally recognised author, speaker, researcher and specialist in the energy markets. Anas begins by discussing how the issue of the types and quality of oil is important and how that…

No episódio de hoje, Marcelo López conversou com Fernando Ulrich, sócio da Liberta Investimentos, palestrante, autor do livro “Bitcoin: a moeda na era digital” e conselheiro do Instituto Mises Brasil. Fernando conta sobre sua trajetória profissional, como vivenciou a grande crise financeira de 2008 e como teve seu primeiro…

In today’s episode, Marcelo López spoke with Kiyan Zandiyeh, CEO and Portfolio Manager at Sturgeon Capital, a London-based investment management company founded 15 years ago and focused on frontier markets in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Kiyan explains that the company, although based in England, has teams scattered in…

In today’s episode, Marcelo López spoke with Mark Gordon, CIO of the Ascent Oil Fund. Before taking his current position, Mark worked for companies such as Goldman Sachs, Soros Fund Management and Janus Henderson, where he focused on investments linked to the energy sector. Mark explains that the Ascent…

In today’s episode, Marcelo López talked to Harris Kupperman, mostly known as Kuppy. Harris is the founder of Pretorium Capital and is famous for being a fund manager with unconventional investment ideas, some of which he writes in the blog “Adventures in Capitalism” (https://adventuresincapitalism.com/). He is always looking for…

In today’s episode, Marcelo López spoke with Mike Alkin, co-founder of Sachem Cove Partners and manager of an American uranium-focused hedge fund. Mike has been following this market for over 4 years as an investor and was a speaker at the International Uranium Fuel Seminar hosted by the Nuclear…

In today’s episode, Marcelo López talked to Otávio Costa, better known in the financial markets as Tavi Costa. Tavi is a portfolio manager at Crescat Capital and he is responsible for macro research. Tavi begins by talking about his trajectory in the financial markets and tells us more about…

In today’s episode, Marcelo López spoke with Bram Vanderelst, head of the uranium trading desk at Curzon Resources. Bram, who attended the World Nuclear Association (WNA) Symposium in early September, agreed to come to the L2 Capital podcast and share with us his market insights and his experience in…

In today’s episode, Marcelo López spoke to Bill Fleckenstein, an investment manager with over 30 years of experience in the financial market. Bill shares his comments, market insights and investment ideas on the website fleckensteincapital.com.br. Bill begins by discussing the magnitude of the attack on Saudi Arabia may have…

In today’s episode, Marcelo López spoke to Brandon Munro, CEO of Bannerman Resources, a listed company on the Australian Stock Exchange, ASX, focused on uranium mining and development in Namibia. Brandon, who has participated in L2 Capital Podcasts #05 and #14, served on two working groups at the 2019…

In today’s episode, Marcelo López spoke with Professor Gerry Thomas, a famous pharmacologist with a PhD in Pathology. She is a professor of nuclear pathology at Imperial College in London and an active researcher in the field of molecular pathology of cancer. Professor Thomas, who was at first against…

In today’s episode, Marcelo López spoke with Adam Rozencwajg, founding partner of Goehring & Rozencwajg, an investment firm linked to natural resources such as mining, energy and agriculture. Prior to founding G&R’s, the partners were responsible for $ 5 billion of AUM at Chilton Investment Company. Adam talks about…

In today’s episode, Marcelo López spoke with Vimal Gor, head of Fixed Income and Defensive Strategies at Pendal Group, an independent Australian asset manager with about US$100 billion in AUM, half of which is managed in Australia and the other half in England through the subsidiary JO Hambro Capital…

In today’s episode, Marcelo López spoke with Brandon Munro, CEO of Bannerman Resources, a company focused on the exploration and development of uranium mines in Namibia. Brandon was our L2 Capital Podcast episode 5 guest, where he talked about the dynamics of the uranium sector and his views about…

In today’s episode, Marcelo talked to Fred Hickey, editor of the famous publication The High Tech Strategis (HTS). The HTS is a monthly publication with more than 32 years of existence that brings to its readers an independent view on macroeconomic aspects, investments in the technology and precious metals…


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